We are driven by volunteers

Organizational Structure

With a membership growing by the day, we are eager to continue working towards an equitable, inclusive, and strong future for agritourism.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the GAN as guided by the mandate of the Steering Committee. Collectively, they make decisions to secure the efficacy of GAN and their major activities (e.g., annual conferences). The Executive Committee is composed of five officers:  President, Vice President, Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council is composed of all past GAN Presidents. The Council uses their knowledge and expertise to provide informed counsel and strategic direction to the Executive Committee.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is comprised of all Executive Officers and the leaders (and/or co-leaders) of the Auxiliary and Regional committees. They serve as the advisory body that brings insights from their committee work to strengthen the agritourism sector globally.

Regional Committees

Regional Committees are established to support agritourism development within a given geographic region and to ensure global inclusion in GAN decisions and actions. Regional committee chairs’ main roles are to engage with their respective regional rural/tourism development officials; connect, strengthen, and expand GAN programs in their regions; and propose, plan, and lead appropriate actions and efforts to strengthen agritourism in their regions. 

Auxiliary Committees

Auxiliary Committees are established to advance a particular function or task of GAN. These include groups such as Research, Policy and Advocacy, communications, Education, and more.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is composed of all GAN members regardless of whether they hold any office position. Any individual who is interested in or engaged (directly or indirectly) in agritourism can register to become a GAN member. The General Assembly members are invited and encouraged to join GAN events and conferences.